Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A room with a view

She SPRINTS everywhere she goes, but occasionally she turbo sprints. I was making dinner this evening and she turbo sprinted past me into the drawing room, shut the door violently, and got her color on. I was spellbound at the whole ordeal. It delighted me to find such joy in her everyday basics. For me, life can't get much better than the pure enjoyment of a two-year-old. She had been outside swinging from the seat of the swing by her belly.  I would love to have known what inspired the sprint to the coloring room from outside.

I returned to my cooking to hear, "Hi Mama!" in the sweetest, softest voice.  As I look out my window, I see Clairvaux smiling at me just like this.  I took a picture with my eyes first. I felt time with this picture.  I felt the passing of it heavily.  I don't know when she is older if I will remember it beyond the picture I took.  I played in my head her getting older, but me still hearing "Hi Mama!" at my kitchen window and seeing her darling face smiling back at me.  I wonder how long she had been watching me cook.  It really was sweet.

*Blond beauty in the background.

1 comment :

  1. "I took a picture with my eyes first. I felt time with this picture. I felt the passing of it heavily." -- I had a moment like this yesterday. I watched my 5yo walking in from getting the mail and my eyes saw her in a different way and I just *knew* that someday I would be trying to remember that moment, when she looked so small, walking in her rain boots with the mail in her hand.
